Las Vegas Wrongful Termination Attorney

Wrongful TerminationYou have put all of your effort and energy into your job. Not once did you receive any indication that there was any problem with the way you did your job. You received no counseling, no warning, no sign or suggestion that you did wrong. You were suddenly and inexplicably fired—for no reason that you can discern or understand.

Employers have a great deal of freedom in determining the grounds for termination. However, there are bases that violate the law. If you believe that you are the victim of a wrongful termination, then you should take legal action against your employer.

Discrimination, retaliation, employee refusal to commit an illegal act, the violation of the company’s own standards and procedures for termination—any one of these may constitute wrongful termination. They provide adequate grounds for you to sue your employer for damages and for reinstatement.

Being suddenly fired from your job can lead to tremendous hardship. Since you were given no advance notice and you had no reason to believe your job was in jeopardy, you could not possibly prepare for the situation. The financial and emotional shock of such an event must be dealt with, and the company that illegally terminated you should be held accountable.

Hiring a Las Vegas personal injury lawyer is the best way to fight for the dignity and respect you deserve. Dobberstein Law Group specializes in wrongful termination suits and can provide you with the counsel, advice, guidance, and representation you need to get the justice you are entitled to.

If you believe you have been unfairly treated by your employer, there are legal remedies you can take. The fact is no employer has unchecked power to fire employees on a whim. Not liking you because of your race, religion, or creed is an illegal basis for termination. Retaliation or a personal grudge is also not a legal reason to fire someone.

If you suspect that you have been fired for these or for breaching an employment contract, then you should contact Dobberstein Law Group today for a case consultation.