construction attorneysWhen you work in construction, it can be a dangerous occupation. As a result, you may be called upon to perform tasks requiring skill and precision. Unfortunately, should something go wrong, you may find yourself the subject of a disciplinary hearing. When this happens, the penalties can range from minor to extremely serious. If you handle these situations without legal representation, you will undoubtedly face severe consequences that you otherwise may have avoided. Rather than let this happen, hire construction attorneys in Las Vegas NV from the Dobberstein Law Group.


Evidence Against You

When you are the subject of a disciplinary hearing, expect your accusers to present various types of evidence to back their claims against you. While this is not a court setting, having evidence to show you did nothing wrong can mean the difference between coming out a winner or loser at your hearing. Therefore, work with your construction attorneys in Las Vegas NV from the Dobberstein Law Group to mount a strong case in your favor.


Ability to Respond

In any disciplinary hearing, you will not only be asked questions regarding certain actions you may or may not have taken along the way, but you will also be given the chance to respond to those allegations. When you do, it is vital that you not only be honest with your answers, but also make sure you understand what is being asked of you at the time. If you need clarification about something, do not be afraid to ask for it. Should you fail to do so, you may place your job and future career in jeopardy.


While you may be intimidated at the thought of a disciplinary hearing, don’t be. Instead, let construction attorneys in Las Vegas NV from the Dobberstein Law Group consult with you today to prepare a strong case for you and your situation.