According to the U.S. Coast Guard, there were 4,168 boating accidents across the county in 2019. Those accidents resulted in 2,559 injuries and 613 deaths. The most common cause of death was drowning, and 86% of drowning victims were not wearing a life vest. Meanwhile, alcohol was listed as the primary cause in 23% of all fatal boating accidents, making it the leading contributing factor in cases with a known cause. Here are other situations that can lead to serious boating-related injuries:
- Excess speed
- Inexperienced operators
- Collisions with other boats or swimmers
- Slips and falls on wet boat decks or docks
- Propeller strikes
- Capsizing
- Severe weather
Most boating accidents on Lake Mead involve the negligence of one or more parties, and these parties can be held legally liable by personal injury lawyers in Las Vegas. For example, if an intoxicated boat operator collides with a swimmer, the victim is entitled to file a personal injury lawsuit seeking compensation for a variety of damages. These damages may include:
- Medical expenses
- Rehabilitation costs
- Lost wages
- Pain and suffering
Individuals who have been injured in Lake Mead boating accidents may find relief by contacting a North Las Vegas personal injury law firm for assistance. Lawyers at the Dobberstein Law Group could evaluate a victim’s case and help file a claim on his or her behalf.